3 research outputs found

    Work Skills Factor for Mechanical Engineering Students of Vocational High School

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    Vocational education graduates are indicated having the very low competence and cannot meet the expectations of the work requirement, it has an impact on lower absorption of employment for vocational education regionally and nationally. In order to meet the needs of the job competence, vocational students should have good work skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the need for skills of work consisting of soft skills and hard skills for vocational education students of mechanical engineering. This research was quantitative descriptive analysis conducted by using Dacum approach. The sample of the study consisted of 100 respondents, comprising industry practitioners, vocational education practitioners, and relevant expert of vocational education in engineering. Based on the analysis, there are 27 items of soft skills and 67 items of hard skills recommended for works for vocational students. Based on the analysis, the findings will be used as a reference for developing a leanbased learning model to improve the work skills of vocational students of mechanical engineering.     Keywords: Need and analysis, Work Skills, soft skills, hard skill

    Lecturer’s Performance: Leadership, Organizational Culture, Work Motivation, and Work Behavior

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    The objectives of this study were to analyze the effect of leadership, organizational culture, and motivation on work behavior and lecturer performance, and the effect of work behavior on lecturer performance. This research used quantitative method. The respondents of this research were 157 lecturers in Batam, by using census method. The data were collected by using questionnaire and analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling using Partial Least Square. The results of the research showed that leadership has significant effect on work behavior; organizational culture has significant effect on work behavior; leadership has significant effect on work behavior; motivation has significant effect on work behavior; leadership has insignificant effect on lecturer performance; organizational culture has insignificant effect on lecturer performance; and work behavior has significant effect on lecturer performance.     Keywords: lecturer performance, leadership, organizational culture, motivation, work behavio


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     Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana manajemen sistem pengawasan sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan oleh Kantor SATKER PSDKP Tanjung Balai Karimun. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa manajemen sistem pengawasan sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan yang diterapkan di Kantor SATKER PSDKP Tanjung Balai Karimun sudah sesuai dengan teori tentang pengawasan menurut M. Manullang (2012), dimana dalam melaksanakan kegiatan controlling, pimpinan mengadakan pemeriksaan, pencocokan, serta mengupayakan agar kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilaksanakan sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditetapkan serta tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Dari hasil analisis SWOT diperoleh beberapa strategi, yaitu: 1). Strategi SO (Strengths-Opportunities) diantaranya meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pengawasan serta produksi perikanan mengacu pada perjanjian kinerja Pangkalan PSDKP Batam; 2) Strategi ST (Strengths-Threats) diantaranya meningkatkan jumlah kegiatan pemantauan kekayaan laut dengan melakukan kerjasama antar pihak-pihak terkait terutama Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan.; 3). Strategi WO (Weaknesses-Opportunities) dengan cara meningkatkan mutu kegiatan pengawasan dengan menyusun berbagai program yang bervariasi, inovatif, efektif, dan efisien terkait sistem manajemen PSDKP sesuai dengan SDM dan fasilitas yang dimiliki SATKER PSDKP Tanjung Balai Karimun; dan 4). Strategi WT (Weaknesses-Threats) diantaranya manajemen/pimpinan Kantor SATKER PSDKP Tanjung Balai Karimun harus mampu menyusun rencana kerja sebelum melaksanakan kegiatan pengawasan ke lapangan seefisien mungkin sesuai dengan SDM dan fasilitas yang tersedia dengan tidak menyimpang dari perjanjian kinerja yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kantor Pangkalan PSDKP Batam. Penelitian ini sebagai kontribusi untuk membentuk jaminan mutu sistem manajemen PSDKP oleh Kantor SATKER PSDKP Tanjung Balai Karimun.   &nbsp